

ok, first off i'd like to say i'm sorry for not responding to comments/posting! school just started for me, and i've been super-busy. i mean, i barely have enough time to finish my homework and then sleep is all i can think about. this means i might not be blogging as much for the next few weeks, but don't worry! i'd never totally abandon my blog. :) and i'll try to keep up with all of yours. deal?

anyway, this semester i'll be taking a photography course which i'm really excited for. we won't be doing as much darkroom stuff as i hoped, but maybe (hopefully?) blog pictures will improve!

(this would've been my camera if we were doing more film work. :( it's a 35mm nikon f65.)

rewinding to the back-to-school thing, i'm very proud of myself. i haven't worn jeans at all since school started. (this is a big deal for me. i used to live in my jeans.) i've been dressing more creatively, and people have actually come up to me in the hallways and told me something like, "yeah, i've seen you a few times this week, and you have awesome style!" :) which makes me go all, "aww, thanks!" and everything. but (and there's always a "but," isn't there?) i didn't take any pictures. not any worth posting, anyway. sorry 'bout that. :( i'll remember next week, i promise!

p.s. last post you guys broke my comment record! yay! (it might have something to do with the fact i haven't updated in like a week, but i'd just like to think you all actually like my blog and are patiently waiting for me to post.)

well, i have to go! bio homework's calling! and don't forget to check back soon for some more interesting posts. ciao!


issye margaretha kamal said...

ilove photography too. nice to find yours.
it's nice to know you . hehe . by the way, please add my twitter . issyemargaretha . thanks :)


Rachel @ The Haute Notes said...

Your class won't spend much time in the darkroom? That's odd to me. I always felt like developing the pictures yourself in the darkroom was a big part of a photography class. I remember having to do that in my high school class.

That's great that you've been wearing jeans less! Something I need to work on! Haha!

Eri said...

Looking forward to see you new outfits soon!

Eva said...

I want to stop wearing jeans altogether. I didn't start wearing it until about 3 years ago and it's such an easy option that I end up wearing it often which I hate.

Rosie Unknown said...

I wish I could take a photography course!

Good job on dressing creatively, I would love to see some outfits at some point!


Good luck with homework! It's been my first week and I'm already sensing that I'll be swamped! Have fun with your photography course- how fun!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Hannah said...

fun! i wish i had done photography in school.

congrats on breaking your comment record haha.


Sally said...

o i think I'd love to do something like photography. looking forward to the outfit posts x

Anonymous said...

photography class will be so much fun! that was my favorite thing in school. i hope you'll post some of the photos you take! ~joelle

yiqin; said...

AH love love love taking photos :)

Flashes of Style said...

ooo great camera! Can't wait to see what comes from it.

E said...

Ah I really want to take a photography class! I would love to learn the classic techniques and everything.

Sydney said...

I'm so jealous that you're taking a photography class, that's something I want to do soon! And I know for me, once I got used to not wearing jeans, I really never wanted to wear them again. I rarely do, they're so uncomfortable! :]

。 。 。 said...

I'm taking a photography this year, as well! I'm not sure about our teacher's credibility...but hopefully I'll learn some cool things! Anyway, congrats on the jeans thing! I had a phase like that, too, but now I find them really uncomfortable, weird, huh?

MJ said...

Nikon high five! Nice one on the jeans front: I swear, jeans are the spawn of the devil! I always look so blah in them.


Elizabeth Victoria Clark said...

loved photography class, i miss it! xx

Stacy said...

i took photography last year (though with a film camera) and it was so much fun! hope you enjoy it too
and congrats on all the comments, you deserve it!

-thanks for visiting Fashion Handglide, I really appreciate it.

Sang said...

haha:] how nice. remember to take pictures of your creative styles next time! i'd love to see'em.

Fashion Cappuccino said...

I love to wear jeans all day but I have very delicate skin and they left me with a lot of marks on my body so I like to wear dresses or flowy skirts instead. I can't wait to see more of your posts! They make me smile :-) xxoxoxo

Winnie said...

I've always wanted to take photography as a class. I'm sure you'll get some great photos out of it!

Anonymous said...

whoa, great camera :D have fun in your photography lessons!! haha, i thought that the woman had pinned flowers to her hair as well.

hope school is going well <3

Laura @ effluvia said...

Photography class sounds fun, even if there isn't too much darkroom stuff :)

I V Y said...

nice camera! ahh homework... grosss :)

KV said...

haha, i haven't worn jeans in months:D

Jess said...

Have a great time in photography class and post tips! I've just been teaching myself this whole time