the other day, my friend was explaining to me how she had her entire life planned out until she was 35, where she was going to college (m.i.t.), the age she was going to get married (27), her career (psychology), and the number of kids she wanted (7). then i realized nothing scares me more than the idea of knowing what to expect for the next 20 years. how boring must that be? and what if something doesn't work out? maybe you don't get into m.i.t., you don't find someone you want to spend the rest of your life with... what then?? when she asked me my life plan, she started freaking when i told her i didn't really have one. when she pressed me, i said something along the lines of, "hmmm... go to a design college i suppose, then maybe move to new york and become a graphic designer or photogrpaher or something where i could be creative. i'm not sure... oh, and i'd also like to travel the world a bit." you should've seen her expression. priceless. i love scaring the narrow-minded people. ;)
but really, i feel like i've been thinking about the future a lot lately... mostly since soon i'll be making decisions that will seriously impact it. as in, bigger decisions than i've ever made before. which kind of scares me, but at the same time, makes me so excited i could burst. i definitely don't want an office job, or one that ties me down/that i'd hate going to everyday... yeah. sorry to dump all of that on you. since you didn't come here to listen to me ramble, here are some pretty pictures to make up for it:
p.s. i love flickr. <3
p.p.s. i might be getting a new dslr this weekend, sooo excited...
I guess some people like structure in their lives and planning everything out ensures a happy life etc, I suppose you could read more into it but for me, I like the adventure and the anticipation of what could just be around the corner. I like the excitement of not knowing!
I don't mind the rambling. I know hoe you feel about not knowing where you are going with your life. I have like a year and a bit left until I have to start applying for university and stuff, and I don't even know what general area I want to go into. I don't know where I want to take my life, and for once I can't beg my mother to choose for me.
i totally agree with you, live a little.
if you pln everything out there is no change of something unexpected and surprising to happen, or really any fun unordinary thing.
i really liked this post && loved the pics.
such such pretty photos!
I haven't a clue where my life is going, but that's half the fun, I think, plus you have an excuse to go to every single college open day :D
i wouldn't want to know what the future holds - i had a plan once and changed everything! as you get older, what you want changes anyway...
Yea I have a friend who planned out her life and I'm getting a little worried for her because she wanted to get married at 25 and have babies at 27. Only problem is that she'd have to get married next year but then there's no one to marry... Way to mess up her life's schedule >_<
I agree that planning every detail in life takes away a lot of fun in living it, although flexible goals does help motivate me to do stuff, so I suppose that moderation is key :P
i know how you're feeling, but hang in there, you don't have to know what you want right now, enjoy youth :D!!!!!
I totally don't have a life plan either. I barely know what's going on next week, never mind in the next 10 years...
What camera are you getting? I just bought a Nikon D3000 and it's great!
nice photos, great inspirations!
I really don't know what to do when I leave university. I thought I did, but now I don't, and it kind of scares and excites me...
i really don't think it's wise to plan in such specific details - she's bound to be disappointed if one little thing goes wrong. i do have goals for myself but i keep them generally broad ;)
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