little update of how my 365 project is working out: well, so far i've taken about 1,000 pictures this year. buuuuut (and there's always a "but," isn't there?), i haven't been keeping very good track of what pictures go with what days. which is pretty much the entire point of the project. so, i suppose it did what it was meant to do: get me to take more pictures. i've actually started a flickr, you can find me here. (add me! right now i'm kind of lonely. ;)) also, i'm kind of in this funk where i hate most of the pictures i've taken, even especially the ones i used to like. ugh.
on the other hand, flickr rrrrrocks. i really love olivia bee. she has all sorts of really lovely images. i'd also like to point out the fact that she's 15. (the only reason i'm pointing this out is because how amazing will she be in 5 years? or 10 years?)
and this has to be the coolest flickr group ever... just look at their pool:
and re: last post: lowercase lovers of the world unite! ahahaha...