
reasons i *love* bloglovin':

1.) it's so much easier to follow all the blogs you read regularly...
2.) ...instead of checking each individual blog (*ahem*multiple) times a day to check for new posts, because all bloggers' who have blogs that i read sole purpose in life is too write entertaining posts for me alone. ;)
you can register your own blog and see many people follow it. (you can also follow other people's blogs even if they haven't registered them.
4.) plus, it let's you save posts you really like, instead of bookmarking all of them.

bloglovin' really is my new favorite thing. every time i open it, it says, "oh, you have 9 new posts from all your favorite blogs!" i'm not kidding, it's like getting a special little present or something!and i know that other people have been doing this forever, but i just started using it, and can't believe i can't believe i didn't start using it earlier...

now you can follow musings of a born socialite, too!! i have 1 follower, which i'm very proud of, considering i don't think anyone actually reads this.

Follow musings of a born socialite

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading blogs in Google Reader. It took me a few months of blog reading before I discovered it, and I'm glad I did!